Arts + Climate Innovation: Livestream kōrero - Media Release
Auckland Live is proud to partner with Track Zero and the Performing Arts Network of NZ (PANNZ) to present the free Arts + Climate Innovation livestream kōrero, taking place every Wednesday from 19 August to 23 September on Facebook Live.
Connecting with people’s hearts, as well as their minds, is vital to igniting our response to the climate crisis. The window of opportunity to avert dangerous climate breakdown is rapidly closing - and we must change.
Bringing together leading thinkers in the sciences, arts and creative and cultural communities, each kōrero will share ideas and perspectives on the powerful r ole arts can play in shaping a fair, carbon neutral future.
Facilitated by Track Zero's founder, Sarah Meads, and PANNZ's Dolina Wehipeihana (Ngāti Tukorehe, Ngāti Raukawa), each kōrero is a non-partisan public event, inviting everyone to partake as a community, to share knowledge, provoke ideas, ask questions, make connections and act; or just listen in and learn more.
Join on Facebook Live at @trackzero, @PANNZ or @aucklandlive, or watch on YouTube.
Send in your questions during the discussion via chat and we’ll aim to have them answered.
Toitū te Marae o Tane, Toitū te Marae o Tangaroa, Toitū te Iwi
Strengthen the realms of the Land and Sea, and they will strengthen the People
Topics and panelists
1. Arts + Climate Innovation: Can storytelling ignite change?
Wednesday 19 August, 7.00- 8.15pm NZT
- Rachael Rakena (Ngāpuhi, Ngāi Tahu) - digital filmmaker, curator of Mana Moana, and senior lecturer, Toi Rauwhārangi, College of Creative Arts, Massey University
- Professor James Renwick - commissioner on the Climate Change Commission, and professor and head of the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University
- Tama Waipara (Ngāti Ruapani, Rongowhakaata, Ngāti Porou) - chief executive/artistic director, Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival
- Kerry Warkia (Papua New Guinea) - producer and founding partner, Brown Sugar Apple Grunt Productions
Good storytelling can change minds. Statistics can feel impersonal and hard to grapple with whereas a dance, film or poem can tell the climate story in ways people feel so they’re moved to act. Join us to hear how arts and culture can provide an entry point for people to understand our natural world, to become more open to information, and feel inspired to act on the climate crisis.
2. Arts + Climate Innovation: Are artists creative disruptors?
Wednesday 26 August, 7.00pm – 8.15pm NZT
- Puawai Cairns
- Joseph Michael
- Dr Tim Naish
- Grace Iwashita-Taylor
Is art just entertainment or does it tell us about humanity? Join us to hear how arts and culture help us to understand the past, comment on the present and innovate a better future by thinking outside the square, connecting us with the natural world, disrupting the status quo and giving people agency to act.
3. Arts + Climate Innovation: Mātauranga Māori and our future
Wednesday 2 September, 7.00 – 8.15pm NZT
- Dr Daniel Hikuroa
- Bernard Makoare
- Louise Potiki-Bryant
Kei runga, ko Papatūānuku kei raro, ko mātou e noho ana kei waenganui ... With the sky above and the earth below, how do we live in the space between? Māori have developed cultural and artistic traditions that are unique to Aotearoa that provide opportunities for understanding and protecting our natural world and living together. Join us as we learn how artistic expression and stories are inextricably linked to the world in which we live and how these connections can help us to shape a better future.
4. Arts + Climate Innovation: Climate change or culture change?
Wednesday 9 September, 7.00 – 8.15pmNZT
- Lynda Chanwai-Earle
- Warren Maxwell
- Dr Huhana Smith
Why is climate change seen as a cultural issue, in that we need to deeply change our values and behaviour, rather than changing the climate? Join us to share ideas about how our identity, norms and values are expressed through arts and culture, and how they’re a vital part of shaping transformative change in our climate response.
5. Arts + Climate Innovation: What have we learnt from Covid-19?
Wednesday 16 September, 7.00 – 8.15pm NZT
- Professor Shaun Hendy
- Noma Sio-Faiumu
- Jo Randerson
- Lisa Reihana
On 26 March, New Zealand went into lockdown due to Covid-19. Artists and scientists played a vital role supporting our wellbeing and New Zealanders showed they could pull together in this unprecedented crisis. Join us to discuss lessons learnt from our Covid-19 response, how the creative sector is working hard to re-connect with audiences and what this means to shaping a better future.
6. Arts + Climate Innovation: Borrowing or investing in future generations?
Wednesday 23 September, 7:00 – 8.15pm NZT
- Professor Bronwyn Hayward
- Tilly King
- Kahu Kutia
How we respond to the Covid crisis will determine the scale of the climate crisis. Will we use the opportunity to invest in a fair, resilient future or shift the burden to future generations? Join us as we learn more about ways youth are rising up to protect their futures, amplifying their message through artistic expression, and why their voice is vital to shaping a better future.