Auckland Live Staff Spotlight: Adam Banaba

Auckland Live Staff Spotlight

Adam Banaba, Momentus Business Partner

Published: Thursday 8 August 2024


Auckland Live just turned 10! As we mark a decade of bringing the city performing arts and events to create memories that last a lifetime, we will be highlighting the journeys of some of our amazing staff behind the curtain who make the magic happen.

This week we meet Adam Banaba.

Please introduce yourself and your role. 
My name is Adam. I am the Momentus Business Partner and I’ve been here for 18 years!
I started as an Event Services Attendant and then branched out to several other roles such as Food and Beverage Supervisor, Event Supervisor, Duty Operations Manager, Setup and Duty Operations Manager, Manager, Setup Operations and now Momentus Business Partner.


Congratulations on your new job. In one sentence what does it entail?
My role is to translate the business needs to the digital team and standardise Momentus (MOM) usage across the business and also assist with enhancement role outs.


Now, in just one word explain what your job entails.


Paint a picture of a ‘day in the life’ of your new job
Collaborating with Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (TAU) Rōpu to trouble shoot issues they are experiencing and to roll out new features alongside the Digital team.


What’s your favourite thing about what you do?
Bringing people together.


What's the hardest thing about what you do?
Nothing is too hard but things can be a challenge. Thankfully, I love a bit of a challenge.


Do you have any highlights or special memories over 18 years?
The biggest highlight is the people, which is why I sit on the social club, and deliver a lot of fun events within the business. What we do every day for other people is great but being able to bring that back and contribute back to our own people is a bonus.


How would your colleagues describe you in three words?
Get things done.

Shows and events Adam is looking forward to

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