Auckland Live Staff Spotlight: Helaina Keeley

Auckland Live Staff Spotlight

Helaina Keeley, Manager for Performing Arts

Published: Thursday 29 August 2024


Auckland Live turned 10 earlier this year! As we mark a decade of bringing the city performing arts and events to create memories that last a lifetime, we will be highlighting the journeys of some of our amazing staff behind the curtain who make the magic happen.

This week we meet Helaina Keeley

Please introduce yourself and your role at Auckland Live.
Kia ora, I’m Helaina Keeley and I am the Manager for Performing Arts here at Auckland Live.   


In one sentence what does it entail?
My role is all about enabling the intersection of the professional performing arts sector with our audiences utilising and leveraging Auckland Live’s amazing resources.

To achieve that I lead a small but mighty team of creative producers to identify who and what is missing from our programming and presentation offer and then do the matrix puzzle of working out how our programming complements what will be presented in other venues and spaces across the city.  From there we create opportunities and support incredible artists to bring their artistic vision to life on our stages and for our communities.


Now, in just one word explain what your job entails.
Connection. Listening. Always scanning the horizon for opportunities.


Paint a picture of a ‘day in the life’ of your job
The professional performing arts sector is very dynamic and there is no such thing as a typical day however what I’m always doing is working across a range of different kaupapa and projects focussed on amplifying the live performance sector locally and nationally.

My job is all about connection, enabling and clearing the way to create authentic and inspiring connections between artists and audiences so this might include meeting with artists to discuss how we could work together to bring their idea to stage or conversations with national and/or international colleagues to discuss programming partnerships and share intel. It might also include connecting with city-wide programmers to strategise how we co-create experiences and programming that amplifies and animates our beautiful city.

Around this important stakeholder and relationship work there are always programming brainstorming and planning sessions with my team to plan future programming mahi and support for professional development opportunities for performing arts presenters right across New Zealand. If I’m lucky there might be a workshop showing of a new work in progress to attend and more often than I’d like to admit I end my day by attending a show at one of the many vibrant live performance venues and theatres here in Tāmaki.


What’s your favourite thing about what you do?
There are so many things, however if I had to pick two, it would be the people and how we contribute to supporting and delivering exceptional live performance experiences by talented artists to our audiences.

I’m fortunate to work in an organisation that understands the value and impact of the performing arts on the wellbeing of our communities and proactively supports that work. This means we attract people who are similarly passionate and committed to the live performance sector. I work with an amazing array of people who are passionate and committed to this sector. If live performance is your jam, this is a great place to work.      


What has been the most meaningful moment during your time here?
That’s like asking me to pick a favourite child! But if I have to choose, I would put our annual partnership with Autaia top of the list.

Autaia is an exceptional haka theatre experience led by Auckland-based company Hawaiki TŪ that supports rangatahi from different kaupapa Māori and high schools across Tāmaki Makaurau to create and present their own stories utilising the genres of kapa haka, theatre and dance with support from highly experienced performing arts professionals.

They then present each of their works in a one-night only performance on the biggest stage in the country, the Kiri Te Kanawa. It’s unfailingly inspirational.    


What’s something surprising that your colleagues might not know about you?
It might not be that surprising, but I watch almost nothing on screen. I don’t know how that is even possible in this day and age, but I’m all about the live performance experience through and through.

Experiencing the exchange of energy between a skilled performer and an engaged audience simply can’t be replicated by a screen-based experience. It’s why audiences around the world continue to flock to live performance shows, concerts and events. There is absolutely nothing like being there and experiencing that energy in person.     

Shows and events Helaina is looking forward to

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