Meet the Cast: Half of the Sky

Meet the Cast: Half of the Sky

Published: Thursday 17 August, 2023

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Auckland Live and Massive Theatre Company are delighted to present a new and moving show as it makes its Herald Theatre debut this September. Half of the Sky follows the Rose sisters as they journey home for a weekend of birthday celebrations beside their awa. Ny, Rua, and Rika are caught in a whirlwind of realisations as incomplete truths become whole, and the ties that bind their whānau together are tested.

In the first part of our Meet the Makers Series, we had the massive privilege to sit down with the wonderful and critically acclaimed cast: Kura Forrester, Roimata Fox, and Max Palamo to chat all things inspiration and Half of the Sky.


Kura Forrester

Image Credit: Andi Crown

Introduce yourself and your arts practice. 
I am Kura. I am Ngāti Porou and Tauiwi. I grew up in Wellington. I trained as an actor at Unitec and graduated in 2005, since then I have worked as an actor, writer, and comedian. I live in Avondale with my boyfriend, Daniel and my dog, Tui.

What’s your favourite thing about what you do? 
Entertaining people. I love to help people feel moved to tears and laughter and everything in between. I love studying humans and getting to learn about different people. I love telling stories and working with other creative people.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 
Don’t sweat the small stuff, and don’t take yourself too seriously. One of my favourite quotes by Aldous Huxley is - “feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.”

What can audiences expect from Half of the Sky?
They can expect a rich story about humans who are all doing their best to be together under tricky circumstances. You can expect to cry and laugh and enjoy watching a family discover and reveal things to each other. You can expect romance and love and joy.

One of my favourite quotes by Aldous Huxley is - “feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.


Roimata Fox

Introduce yourself and your arts practice.
Ehara tenei i te maunga nekeneke, he maunga tu tonu, a Maunga Hikurangi. Tihei mauri ora. Ko Roimata toku ingoa, he uri tenei no Ngati Porou, Rongonaiwahine ratou ko Ngati Kahungunu. E rua Nga kura hei au. Ko Tutumatai. Ko Tutuokura hoki. Tena tatou katoa. 

What’s your favourite thing about what you do? 
Telling stories about my own people.

What’s the hardest thing about what you do? 
Being away from my child and not being able to support his commitments, education and hinengaro.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 
Always sharpen your pencil girl, you can never be too sharp. - Henerieta Kawhia (My Nanny)

What’s the best show you’ve seen this year? 

Who are your favourite artists/theatre companies/musicians etc. and why? 
My favourite performers don’t come from companies and establishments. They come from The Pā back home. I’ve grown up all my life watching the best orators speaking out the front, and the best comedians are my cackling Nannies and Aunties in the kitchen. That’s my stage, and that’s my company. 

Tell us about Half of The Sky 
Half of the Sky is about the complexities of whānau and how we all individually deal with matters of the heart, grief, loss and connection. 

What can audiences expect from Half of the Sky?  
For your heart and soul to dance, feel, open and be moved in different directions. 

Half of the Sky is about the complexities of whānau and how we all individually deal with matters of the heart, grief, loss and connection


Max Palamo

Introduce yourself and your arts practice.
I’m Max Palamo, I’m an Actor/Tutor for Massive.

What’s your favourite thing about what you do?
It is literally my favourite thing to do. I’m so blessed to do something I love and am passionate about as a job.

What’s the hardest thing about what you do?
Coming to the end of a show or job.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

What’s the best show you’ve seen this year?
Yellowstone 👀👀 I wait for friends to say, “go watch this”…still waiting.

Who are your favourite artists/theatre companies/musicians etc. and why?
Mos Def, Otis I’ve been listening to a lot lately.
Pina Bausch. Complicate Company. Massive Company.

Tell us about Half of The Sky.
Love. Whanau. Laughter. Present. Past. Future. A thing called life.

What can audiences expect from Half of the Sky?
A beautiful piece of theatre, no strings attached.

It is literally my favourite thing to do. I’m so blessed to do something I love and am passionate about as a job.


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