Performing Arts Network New Zealand (PANNZ) in partnership with Auckland Live are hosting hui for the creative sector of Aotearoa to come together in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
These regular online gatherings for the arts, cultural and creative communities are a chance for us to gather remotely, connect and get up to date as a community.
Next hui Monday 15 June, 11am
Facilitator : Dolina Wehipeihana (Ngāti Tukorehe, Ngāti Raukawa)
Panel : Tānemahuta Gray (Ngāi Tahu, Rangitāne, Tainui, Scottish, English) - Kahukura / Kaiarataki Toi - CEO & Artistic Director of Taki Rua Productions; Michael Bell - Theatre Producer and Music Producer (Little Andromeda, New Zealand Playhouse and Orange Studios); and Anna Cameron - Executive Director of Auckland Theatre Company.
You will be able to watch the hui live, which will be recorded and made available for those that are unable to join. During the live stream, you will be able to ask questions via the comment threads, on the Facebook event and on Youtube. We will do our best to respond to these during the hui, or gather them into common themes to be answered afterwards.
Please share this message with your networks. Everyone is invited to the hui, and welcome to attend and contribute. You are not alone. We are in this together. He waka eke noa.