This concert will deliver a powerful punch! A mighty combo of Bach + Bruckner + Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra + Auckland Choral promises to deliver a glorious and stirring concert.
The masterful works penned by musical titans J.S Bach and Bruckner can often only be described in the grandest of superlatives. Indeed, both highly devout composers had a clear intention to deliver their craft to the highest level: Soli Deo Gloria - Only for the Glory of God.
Bruckner's Mass in D Minor is an uplifting offering on a grand scale, taking the listener on a spiritual journey. His Motets blend expansive Renaissance polyphony with his unique approach to harmony and counterpoint.
Three works by J.S Bach complement those of Bruckner. The choir will perform the ever-popular Chorale: Jesus bleibet meine Freude (Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring) and Dr Philip Smith will unleash the iconic Toccata and Fugue in D minor on the Town Hall’s mighty organ. As an intimate contrast, Andrew Beer, Concertmaster of the APO will feature in the lyrical and melancholic Concerto for Violin in A minor.