What price would you pay to fit in, especially if what you want most is to belong? In the quest to figure this out, teenagers' lives quickly flicker from the mundane to the insane. Friendships form, then crumble, then reform, and all while the world is watching them on tiny screens.
Daily White Toast is a live cinema experience mixing film, dance, theatre and music on stage.
Aorere Film Academy once again invites you to experience a story that balances the comedy of growing up with the awkwardness of being young and making stupid mistakes. Written and performed by current Aorere College students and alumni, and drawn from their own self-defining experiences, the show will engage you in their struggles to cross boundaries and find a place where they truly feel at home.
Daily White Toast begins with Serena and JD, two students with rickety social skills. They use their misfit identities to sew together an uneasy friendship which then expands to others who can't quite seem to place themselves in the boxes they are forced in by their families, cultures and society.
The story will give you feels, make you wonder and laugh. But above all, it will provide a window to a world that might turn out to be more like a mirror.
Visit Aorere website for more info.
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