A young man dives into the artistic life of 40s Santiago and pursues a dream of becoming a poet, in this carnivalesque memoir from the perennially youthful great-grandfather of cult cinema, 87-year-old Alejandro (El Topo) Jodorowsky.
"A work of transporting charm and feeling. It’s the most accessible movie the director has ever made, and it may also be the best. Jodorowsky is on record as saying that his favorite filmmaker is Federico Fellini, and indeed, the ghost of Fellini hovers over Endless Poetry in more ways than one can count… But more than that, it has an ingratiatingly wide-eyed and adventurous autobiographical hero, Alejandro Jodorowsky (played by the filmmaker’s youngest son, Adan Jodorowsky), who meshes with the bohemian enclave of Santiago in the 40s and 50s and wanders through this nightworld of sex and art and passion and destruction with a fervour of discovery…