UPDATE: 24 Nov 2022
Air Craft presents Inflight Entertainment scheduled for Saturday 26 November at The Taj Mahal Room - The Civic has been postponed.
This event will take place at a date TBD.
A message from the promoter:
“It is with much regret that we must inform you that Air Craft's concert at the Taj Mahal Room – The Civic, this Sat night has been postponed. Covid has struck us, and we would rather postpone and give you the full Air Craft experience you deserve, than muddle through with a diminished group. Your ticket will remain valid for a rescheduled date which is TBD but will be late summer 2023. Thank you for your continued support of Air Craft. We look forward to performing for you in 2023!”
All tickets remain valid for the rescheduled show without the need for exchange. Patrons unable to attend the new date may obtain a refund from the point of purchase.
Refund requests are to be submitted 24 hours prior to the rescheduled date.
Join Air Craft Singers for an evening of pure pop nostalgia and intoxicatingly fun entertainment.
Discover the hidden doorway to a darkened staircase descending far below the city's crowded streets to the subterranean extravagance of The Civic's Taj Mahal room.
Delight in the opulence and charm of the exotic Moorish minarets, colonnades, balconettes and gardens as you sip on an expertly crafted cocktail and immerse yourself in the shimmering stylings of Auckland's newest and funkiest vocal ensemble.