This unique live theatrical production is a companion piece to the eagerly anticipated first volume of his memoirs - Working Class Boy, released by Harper Collins on Monday 19 September. Written entirely by Jimmy, it tells the raw and confronting story of fleeing the poverty of Scotland, only to endure violence and abuse as an immigrant in the suburbs of Adelaide. The book explains what drove Jimmy to ultimately escape everything via rock’n’roll and its associated lifestyle. Fittingly, the childhood memoir ends with an 18-year-old Jimmy and fellow members of his new band, Cold Chisel, fleeing South Australia in the back of a truck full of musical equipment.
“Just like the book, this live show will tell the story of an imperfect childhood that has led to me becoming an imperfect adult,” explains Jimmy.
"I spent most of my life running from my childhood and now it seems like my time to face it. So this is the story of a lifetime spent running away. Running from fear. Running from shame, but at the same time running from hope. I’m not running anymore."
This special live event will see Jimmy sharing stories from his troubled childhood and delinquent adolescence. It will also see him accompanied by his musical companions, delivering intimate performances of key songs drawn from his earliest years. This tour will be a treat, with lots of storytelling, providing a real insight into the events that have shaped Jimmy's life and his music.
Jimmy Barnes announces unique ‘Stories and Songs’ tour based on self-penned childhood memoir, 'Working Class Boy'
Hear Jimmy Barnes talk with Kim Hill about his troubled childhood
Working Class Boy: An Evening of Stories and Songs wins at 2016 Sydney Theatre Awards
*Suitable for all ages.
Please note that in keeping with the nature of this production, the show will be staged over two acts with a short interval. There will be no support band so Jimmy will be onstage from the advertised starting time at all shows.
For tickets and enquiries, visit the Ticketmaster website or contact 0800 111 999.
For more information on Jimmy Barnes, visit:
Jimmy Barnes website
Jimmy Barnes Facebook page
Jimmy Barnes Twitter page
Jimmy Barnes Instagram page
For more information on Eccles Entertainment, visit:
Eccles Entertainment website
Eccles Entertainment Facebook page