Conductor Rumon Gamba
Cello Torleif Thedeen
Mahler Symphony No.10: Adagio
Haydn Cello Concerto No.2 in D Major
Stravinsky The Rite of Spring
Mahler wrote his Tenth Symphony under the shadow of death, completing only this movement. A slow burn of anguish, its tortured harmonies collapse into a despairing outburst, foreshadowing the century to come.
Haydn’s captivating concerto is the perfect example of his gentle humanity, humour and wisdom.
There is very little that’s gentle about The Rite of Spring. When this electrifying piece of music exploded onto the stage in 1913, it literally caused a riot. Played by a gargantuan orchestra, its visceral, primal power will blow you away.
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