Donizetti’s bel canto comedy, The Elixir of Love is as charming as it is funny. Nemorino is a likeable but hopeless romantic who has fallen in love with the bold and quick-witted Adina. She isn’t won over by his pleas of love and things get worse when she has an offer of marriage from the self-important Sergeant Belcore. When a dubious salesman, Dulcamara, rolls into town he offers Nemorino what seems like the perfect solution – The Elixir of Love.
Set in an Antipodean country town at the turn of the 20th century, Simon Phillip's production of The Elixir of Love beautifully captures this opera’s light-hearted humour.
Pene Pati – of Sol3 Mio fame – and Amina Edris return to New Zealand from San Francisco Opera, bringing their natural charisma and warmth to the roles of Nemorino and Adina. As Dulcamara, Conal Coad showcases his outstanding comedic abilities and is joined by rising-star Morgan Pearse as Belcore. Wyn Davies returns to conduct this sentimental masterpiece.